FHN Speaker Series

The FHN Speaker Series is designed to provide the community with timely and relevant healthcare news and information. These free and open-to-the-public presentations feature FHN providers and healthcare professionals sharing their expertise to help people in our community become healthier and better-informed healthcare consumers. Each presentation is followed by a Q&A session to allow time for guests to get related information of interest. On most occasions, our presenters are able to stay for a time to chat individually with audience members.

FHN Speaker Series: Sepsis

Wednesday, September 18, 5:30 p.m.
FHN Family Healthcare Center – Burchard Hills, 1010 W. Fairway Drive, Freeport

To mark September as Sepsis Awareness Month, FHN will present this free Speaker Series. "Sepsis is the body's extreme response to an infection", said FHN Stroke and Sepsis Program Coordinator Tracy Love, MSN, RN, CNL. "It's a chain reaction across the body that, without timely treatment, can lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and even death". Love and FHN Clinical Abstractor, Quality Kristina Stadermann, BSN, RN will talk about the infections that can lead to sepsis, how to recognize its symptoms and available treatment options.

Registration requested; register below or by calling toll-free 1-877-6000-FHN (1-877-600-0346) ext. 901.

FHN Speaker Series: Stroke

Wednesday, October 16, 5:30 p.m.
FHN Family Healthcare Center – Burchard Hills, 1010 W. Fairway Drive, Freeport

FHN Stroke Coordinator Tracy Love, MSN, RN, CNL, will provide valuable information on strokes, which can happen to anyone at any time, regardless of race, sex or age. Learn what puts you at risk of having a stroke, how to recognize signs and symptoms, treatment options, and how to help prevent a stroke from occurring. Tracy will also discuss FHN’s Teleneurology capabilities which connect the FHN Stroke team to a Regional Comprehensive Stroke Center partner for collaboration on care of the stroke patient including advanced treatment options.

Registration requested; register below or by calling toll-free 1-877-6000-FHN (1-877-600-0346) ext. 901.