Obstetrics Classes Offered

Learning about pregnancy and childbirth will go a long way toward making you feel comfortable with what lies ahead, and help prepare your family for inevitable change.
We urge you to attend one class from each of the prenatal sessions.

Prenatal class

Prenatal class sessions are offered to all regarding their number of week's gestation, however, they do correlate a bit with how a pregnancy progresses. Mothers-to-be and spouses/support persons are encouraged to attend these free sessions together. The prenatal sessions are held on Tuesday evenings from 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. in the lower level of FHN Memorial Hospital.


Clases prenatales en español

Para acomodar a las familias de habla hispana, agregaremos 3 clases prenatales para 2023. Impartidas por la enfermera obstetra registrada Juana Peñaloza, estas clases brindan información sobre el embarazo, el trabajo de parto, el parto, la cesárea y la recuperación posparto.

Sibling class

FHN's sibling class provides an opportunity for brothers and sisters awaiting a new baby in the family to learn about what to expect when the new baby arrives. The free class video presentation includes a tour of the FHN Family Birthing Center, viewing a real baby, learning how to hold a baby, and ways to help Mom. This class is designed for children ages 3-10; however, any child is welcome.

Breastfeeding class

Taught by an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant® (IBCLC) certified lactation consultant, this class helps expectant mothers learn the importance of breastfeeding. Participants are taught handy techniques to increase their confidence and boost success. Countless new mothers say that this head start helped them breastfeed their newborn for the first time. The mother's support person is strongly encouraged to attend this class as well.

Take advantage of the variety of classes offered by FHN and the Stephenson County Health Department. It is well worth your time! You will receive good information from expert sources and you'll be better prepared for labor, delivery and beyond.